What is a QR Code and do they really work?
QR Code is short for Quick Response Code and they are two dimensional bar codes that enable a smart phone to “photograph” the image. This then sends the smart phone to a website that is tied to this QR Code. They originated in Japan and have actually been around since 1994.
QR codes have provided a quick, easy way for consumers and individuals to interact with the physical world around them, all the while obtaining the digital information they so desperately crave. QR codes are only becoming more advanced and more prominent, so get yourself a free app on your phone and start exploring the world of QR codes today!
The virtual tours for my listings average between 4oo and 2,000 views on any given week. QR Codes have accounted for between 5% to as much a 20% of my viewings. This does not even take into account the number of times a person goes home to their computer and looks at more photographs because of what they saw on their smart phone.
When I receive a call from a buyer sitting in front of one of my listings and they want to go inside to see the home because of the pictures they are able to see on their smart phone; I know they work!
Ben Bowen